
A very warm welcome to your new school. Alhumdulliah we will begin tomorrow 27th January 2019 and we as staff are looking forward to welcoming all.

Tomorrow will be a little unusual as it will be a day to do some team building and also to introduce the children to the way we would like them to work. Please help us by bringing in an old newspaper – there will be somewhere to put this in the hall tomorrow.

The timetable will be different tomorrow as compared to the 7 weeks to follow as we need to do baseline assessments in all three subjects so we can place them in the right classes.

Below is guidance to help the afternoon run smoothly

Car Parking 

Both the small and larger carparks will be open for parents to use. If parking on the roads around the school, please be mindful of parking appropriately and with due care for the residents around the school

Which Entrance to use 

Please bring Children in through the front entrance doors of the school and then down to the hall- there will be people around to direct you tomorrow.


Please bring Children in at 12.45- Assembly is at 1PM-1.20 – Parents may attend and sit with their children for this

1:20 PM – Parents to leave

1:25 – 5:00 PM – Children will do some activities together in the hall and others back in their classrooms

5:00 PM Parents to collect children from Hall- please be prompt! Doors to be open from

4:50 PM – Parents please make your way directly to the hall – we will tell you which classrooms children will be in next week via email.

Dress code

We aim for smart, clean and appropriate clothing and footwear. No hats to be worn in school. No clothing with faces /animals. Hijab is optional

School Bags and Books 

We are in the process of ordering school book bags and textbooks for your children so please be patient, in shaa Allah they will be here in the next week or so in the meantime your children will receive exercise books so a strong carrier bag or rucksack is recommended together with some writing implements in a labelled pencil case – all other resources required will be given by us


This will be given every week and there is an expectation that all students complete this unless it is project work by the following Sunday. Parents please ensure you check homework is completed and contact teachers directly if any queries as necessary.

Contact with Teachers

Most teachers will be happy to be contacted via email and some may form whats app groups for their classes – you will need to opt in when the teacher asks you and sign your consent to be contacted or to contact them in this way – we will send out appropriate forms next week.

Break time snacks

A healthy snack with a drink in appropriate containers is required – we suggest sandwiches of any kind together with fruit, yogurt, etc.

Submission of Enrolment Forms /Fees and other Payments 

Please ensure enrolment forms are handed to the office and payments are made before going down to the hall for Assembly- please come early to do this if this applies to you. We must have these forms and payments and children must not be left in the school without these, please.

Email Contact 

This is our email contact – we will monitor emails as regularly as possible and up to an hour prior to the commencement of school on any Sunday. In an emergency please contact the headteacher or Sara Jama


All absences must be reported as these need to be recorded

Any other questions – Please call me either myself or Sara


We are a not for profit organisation and will gratefully accept donations to help sustain the school in shaa Allah . These donations may be your Zakat  or Sadaqa .

Website Help

If there are any IT literate parents who can help us set this up, please contact the office – any help will be gratefully received in shaa Allah. We would like to get this up and running as quickly as possible.


Please ensure you have signed the school code of conduct and rules and regulations forms as appropriate.

All Policies including Safeguarding, Child Protection, Behaviour, Health and Safety as well as others will be placed on the website once we have one but if any parents wish to view these please see folder to be kept in the office.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow in shaa Allah . Please keep us and our endeavours in your duas as we will you and your children – May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala- accept all our efforts in learning and teaching in shaa Allah

All the best
Ma Salaama
Farhana Zaman
Headteacher Al Aziz Academ

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