As Salaama Aleikum wa rahmatullah wabarakatu,
Welcome back to a second term at Al Aziz Academy, JazakumAllahu Khairan for all those who have paid for fees and resource payments for this term, your support is much appreciated.
The fees were due to be paid by 10th April 2019 as we requested this in an email on 24th March. Unfortunately, we are still missing a considerable amount of fee and resource payments. The staff and I are trying our best to provide a quality service for your children at a minimum cost but we do have to ask that parents do their bit and pay up on time. It is imperative that fees and resource payments are made on time to keep this school running efficiently – please ensure you pay if you haven’t done so already.
Can we ask that these are paid as a matter of urgency no later than Friday 19th April.
Fee: £75 per child per term
Resources: £20 per child per term
Sort Code: 40 41 57
Account Number: 60761389
Please use the below reference when making payments online.
Reference for fees and resources: TF3 + Childs name.
On a separate note we have been informed by Parkwood Academy that the school will be closed next Sunday (21st April 2019).
On the academic calendar we previously sent this was down to be a normal Al Aziz School day but has now obviously changed and Al Aziz will now be closed on 21st April 2019.
We will make this day up In Shaa Allah on Saturday July 6th 2019 1-5pm to make up the missed day. Then we will be in as normal on July 7th 2019.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ma Salaama
Farhana Zaman and AL Aziz Staff